Nieuw - New
In deze categorie staan de nieuwste items, meer items vindt u in de overige categorieën.
This category contains the latest items, more items can be found in the other categories.
3161 results
WWII US Helmet Net €30.00
WWII US Duffle Bag 1944 €65.00
WWII US Milk Pitcher €30.00
WWII US Messkit With Initals €30.00
WWII US Knife €17.50
WWII US Fork €10.00
WWII US Spoon €10.00
WWII US Good Conduct Medal €25.00
WWII US Dog Tag Norwood €35.00
WWII US Ruptured Duck Pin €10.00
WWII USAAF Plotting Square €30.00
WWII US Tacks €17.50
WWII US Bandage Flannel €17.50
WWII British Bandage €10.00
WWII US Postcard Hiking €8.00
WWII US Postcard Flag €8.00
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